We are a people with a future-not spiritual nomads or wanderers, but a people of purpose and destiny. The past is Over. The future stretches out before us full of promise and possibility. We are changed people-new people. Not avoiding decisions that must be made, nor running from responsibility because of the mistakes and failures in our past, we look toward a future based on a newness of heart created in us God.
No longer haunted by the past, we free to choose-to make new commitments and follow new direction. In our freedom we set new standards and find new strength by which to live. Experience gives wisdom; God gives new heart. Our past mistakes have taught us some valuable lessons, but God has given us a new life.
We have called upon our merciful God, repented, and begun to have the hope of a new heart and a new start-the beginning of a total renewal. What a relief! to know that we have a God who forgives-to know that we have a God who understands, and who can heal and help us. He will teach us his ways; he will make us more like himself; he will lead us in the right direction. For he says: "I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them". And if that weren't enough he adds these words: "their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more".
What a loving, compassionate God we serve! Society may expect us to walk in guilt and shame indefinitely, but we no longer conform to what the world says. We have been transformed! Our minds have been renewed by God's Word and our heart by his mercy. Our lives are changed by his love. No longer bound by guilt, no longer chained to our past and its shame-we are free!
Free to capture the vision of his Majesty. To seize the significance of our salvation. To catch a glimpse of his beauty and the reality of our redemption.